Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Distractions of Trinity Life Part 1

I have been walking around campus and all I seem to see in all of the Freshman halls are "What makes you procrastinate" and "How to make sure you stay focused during study time." The biggest thing that I see as a distraction is cell phones. In this blog I will be talking about the best ways I know of and have seen to overcome this problem.
California bans texting behind the wheelCell phones in the studying world are man's worst friend. These little devices sometimes can make or break the study time that you have. I have personally not gotten anything done for about twenty to thirty minutes because I was texting two or three people and I just did not want to stop the conversation. The problem is that cell phones are easily able to be put on your lap or close by so then when it goes off then you can stop everything that you are doing and text or talk to whoever you are talking to. Besides wasting time when you could be getting work done, there are many other things that impede you from finishing your work quickly. The best example I can think of is when you are on a roll with your writing that you are doing for a class and you stop to take a text. With taking this text you make yourself think of what to say in the text instead what you are working on. And if you forget about what you are working on then you fall into the horrors of writer's block. Once writer's block falls into play then you decide to take a break in which you text some more. More texting means more time for you to waste. 
The best way I have heard used to overcome this big distraction is to just put the phone far enough away that you will not go up and get it. If you do that then you will not worry about what text you are getting and you will be no distracts or will there still be some? To be continued on my next blog.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Days at Trinity

Some people say that the first couple days of college are scary. I guess Trinity did not get that memo because my first few days at Trinity were some of the funnest days of my summer (excluding football practice). The problem that I had coming in was that I had only listened to the people that must have not liked there college because they said it was HORRIBLE! I was not able to use a brother or sister for a second opinion on it because I am the first one to go to college. Now that I am here I wish I would have stopped being so scared and started being more friendly from the get go.

The people I really have to thank for making my transition from my home to college an easy one is the NSO Staff. They really have been able to find a great way to get people to mingle and have a lot of fun together.  I was just excited to wake up ever morning to a new thing every day.
One of the tips I might want to give to the Freshmen next (besides time management) is to be a sponge-go out and do as much as physically possible. Do not be afraid to go talk to some people that you have never seen before. That is what college is. Stepping out of your comfort zone and figuring out who you really are. This here is a picture of what some of the lower level (freshmen) dorms look like.