Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Midpoint

Image by: Sagolla (website to find picture)
When you are a Freshmen at Trinity-or any college in general-you tend to not have a very not so good first mid-term grades. Some of the reasons why could be being out too late, relationships, and just the freedom of away from home. I have done every single one of these things. During this blog I will try to give a background on what needs to be done on making it through the term alive and possibly helping you do better if you are already fine.
The best thing you can do now is evaluate yourself and see if you can find certain flaws that you have been doing over and over again. If you are a person that does not like to accept your flaws, then get over it. You are doing something wrong and your grades are enough evidence to prove that. If you can begin to notice these flaws, then you can change your way of doing things like homework and planning dramatically. Once you can find the right plan for you, then you will just be one step closer towards being more capable of making it through the year.
Another thing that you are going to do after you make this grand master plan is do the hardest part of getting better term grades is to put your plan into action. You might think that I am silly for saying this is the hardest part but I know from at least my experience that it very much is. The best way to show you an example is by asking how do you wake up in the morning? The way college students usually wake up is that their alarm goes off. "Briiiing, Briiiing, Briiiing." Then the students tend to want to stay in bed till they feel like waking up, which is about 10 to 15 minutes before the classes start. Waking up this late shows that for one, the person might have stayed up too late and for two, the do not have enough self-discipline to wake up in the morning. They want to, but mentally they are not up to the challenge. As the saying goes thinking it is just half the battle, but I think it is about only a quarter of the battle. The rest of the things that you need to do for this plan to become successful is putting it into action. Some of the ways that you can help yourself put this plan into action is to make certain incentives to help to you drive towards your goal of getting better grades.
If you can find that plan and put it into action, then I believe that you should be able to accomplish your goal and be able to make it all the way through this term.

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